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Eléments et mesures d'attraction et de maintien des enseignants au Burkina Faso
Présentation par Tahirou Traore, coordonnateur national de la Coalition nationale pour l'Education pour tous du Burkina Faso, lors de l'atelier en ligne Global pathways to an attractive teaching...
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - Tanzania Study
This report, which focuses on Tanzania, is part of a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and...
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - Mozambique Study
This report, which focuses on Mozambique, is part of a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria...
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - Nigeria Study
This report, which focuses on Nigeria, is part of a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and...
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - Malawi Study
This report, which focuses on Malawi, is part of a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and...
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - Ethiopia Study
This report, which focuses on Ethiopia, is part of a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and...
The bedrock of inclusion: lessons from five African countries
This report summarises lessons and recommendations from a multi-country study undertaken on behalf of ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World. The study looked at the current state...
Coronavirus: Our principles, values, and shared humanity
Combat of the Coronavirus has graduated in many countries to closing of schools and most public gatherings and some businesses. EI has mostly focused on the impact on education and teachers and...
Voces de docentes - Convocatoria de historias
La crisis del COVID-19 es una de las más grandes interrupciones de la educación que el mundo ha enfrentado en su historia reciente. Debido a que más de 1 billón de estudiantes están ahora realizando...
Final Declaration of the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum Montego Bay, Jamaica
The recommendations present in this declaration stem from the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 which took place in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 5...
Mobile Learning Week 19 Strategy Lab Proceedings
In an effort to better understand the potential role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2019 was convened to focus on the role of AI and sustainable development...