Centro de conocimientos
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Training teachers on the job: what works and how to measure it
This paper reviews the existing body of evidence on what kinds of in-service teacher training interventions are most effective, and highlights the knowledge gaps. It reveals the dearth of detail on...
Desarrollo profesional docente en los Estados Árabes durante la pandemia de COVID-19
Este estudio, encargado por la Oficina de la UNESCO en Beirut, analiza la situación de los docentes en varios países árabes durante la crisis provocada por la COVID-19. Dada la importancia del papel...
What matters most for teacher deployment? A case study of teacher preferences in Sierra Leone
This study aimed to better understand why the inequitable distribution of teachers persists in Sierra Leone despite the investments in the education workforce, and how the government may resolve this...
Characteristics of effective teacher education in low- and middle-income countries: What are they and what role can EdTech play?
Even though teacher education programmes have the potential to improve pupil learning outcomes, the impact of these programmes has varied widely in LMICs. A lack of understanding of the specific...
Nota sobre políticas
Rapid response briefing note: Remote learning and Covid-19 outbreak
A rapid response briefing note, it provides guidance and 'rules of thumb' for policymakers for the use of technology at scale across the education system. The guidance provided draws from existing...
Guidance on active learning at home during educational disruption : Promoting student's self-regulation Skills in COVID-19 Outbreak
The report is based on the experience of China with the policy of " Disrupted Classes, Undisrupted Learning" . It focuses on the challenges that students face while using online resources and tools...
Nota sobre políticas
Guidance note on Remote Learning and Covid-19
The guidance note highlights the principles based on which countries can maximise the effectiveness of their distance learning mechanisms and strategies. It focuses on ensuring that a multi-faceted...
Voces de docentes - Convocatoria de historias
La crisis del COVID-19 es una de las más grandes interrupciones de la educación que el mundo ha enfrentado en su historia reciente. Debido a que más de 1 billón de estudiantes están ahora realizando...
Final Declaration of the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum Montego Bay, Jamaica
The recommendations present in this declaration stem from the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 which took place in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 5...
Mobile Learning Week 19 Strategy Lab Proceedings
In an effort to better understand the potential role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2019 was convened to focus on the role of AI and sustainable development...