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  • 22.10.2020

COVID-19 and Education in Emergencies

Armed conflicts, forced displacement, climate change induced disasters and protracted crises have disrupted the education of 75 million children and youth globally. And that number is growing in an...
  • 16.07.2020

Teacher management in refugee settings: the case of Ethiopia

The International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and Education Development Trust are pleased to announce the publication of Teacher Management in Refugee Settings: Ethiopia, the first in a series of country case studies aiming to identify promising policies for the effective management of primary-level teachers in refugee-hosting regions around the world.

Teachers are at the heart of learning. For a refugee child, teachers can mean much more: educator, mentor, and a link to a new home. Providing teachers with the support they need can allow refugees to thrive. This is also true in Ethiopia, home to one of the largest refugee populations in Africa. The number of refugees has surged from 100,000 in 2008, to over 680,000 in 2019 – one quarter of whom are children. Understanding who teaches in refugee settings and how they are managed is crucial to their future.

This research recognises that teachers are themselves members of affected communities and potentially powerful agents of positive policy reform. The study identifies promising policies and implementation strategies that exist for the management of primary-level teachers in refugee-hosting regions and reveals areas for further development of policies and successful implementation. This case study was made possible with the generous support of UNICEF Ethiopia.

You can consult the research following this link: 

Manual / Handbook / Guidelines
  • 09.04.2020

The COVID-19 Learning Pathway

The COVID-19 Learning Pathway is an online course that aims to enable humanitarians, including local responders, to be best equipped to respond to the global pandemic COVID-19 (Coronavirus). It...