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  • 17.12.2024

Call for case studies on rural teacher policy and practice

The UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (UNESCO INRULED) and the Teacher Task Force are jointly developing a new module for the Teacher Policy Development Guide (TPDG) focusing on rural teachers. The TPDG module on rural teachers will be an independent module, elaborating on the nine dimensions of the TPDG to suit rural contexts. This new module on rural teachers emphasizes equity and social justice, extending its focus beyond rurality to tackle the broader issues of marginality and inequity that exist in society.  For more detailed information, please refer to the summary report.

Call for case studies

We invite submissions of case studies that highlight innovative solutions in supporting rural teachers and education. The rural TPDG will compile global case studies showcasing effective rural teacher policies, interventions and strategies, along with their implementation. By incorporating these successful initiatives, the guide aims to provide policymakers, practitioners and researchers with actionable strategies to support rural teachers and enhance rural education systems, ultimately ensuring equitable and quality education for all.

Types of case studies

There are three types of case studies which are welcomed as below:

  • Individual Country Case Studies
  • Regional Case Studies
  • Regional Case Studies with Selected Country Exemplars

The selection of regions or countries will focus on those experiencing significant challenges or demonstrating exemplary practices in providing qualified and motivated teachers in rural contexts. Case studies specifically addressing conflict and post-conflict situations in rural regions are particularly encouraged.

Dimensions of a rural teacher policy

  • Authors can focus on one or several of the following dimensions:
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  • Initial Teacher Education
  • Teacher Continuous Professional Development
  • Teacher Deployment
  • Teacher Career Structure/Path
  • Teacher Employment and Working Conditions
  • Teacher Reward and Remuneration
  • Teacher Standards
  • Teacher Accountability
  • Teachers and System/School Governance
  • Teachers and Community Relations

Case study structure

  • Introduction
  • Country/Regional Context
  • Data and Methodology
  • Background of the Focus Dimension(s)
  • Dscription of the Policy/Intervention/Strategy
  • Discussion of the Outcome and Impact
  • Lessons Learned
  • Conclusion

For more detailed information about the case study template and the structure of the rural teacher module, please click here.

Length and format

The case studies will be approximately of 8,000 to 10,000 words in length (excluding appendices, annexes and bibliographies) written in the English language at a very good level. It will also include an abstract for a non-technical audience.

Timeline and outputs

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Use of case study

Case studies will be integrated into relevant discussions of each dimension of the rural teacher module, as appropriate. In addition, good case studies will also be compiled a compendium for good practices and circulate as key resource accompanying the rural TPDG.


Please express your interest in contributing a case study by submitting an outline to Ms Siyao Wang at Visit the INRULED page on the call here.

  • 26.11.2024

Global Disability Summit 2025: Teacher Task Force Side Event

The Teacher Task Force Thematic Group on "Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices" will organise a side event at the Global Disability Summit (GDS) 2025, taking place in Berlin, Germany, on April 2-3, 2025. 

The summit is co-hosted by the Governments of Germany and Jordan and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and will bring together over 3000 participants, including world leaders, organizations, and stakeholders from various sectors.

The GDS aims to increase global commitment to disability-inclusive development, emphasizing that disability inclusion is a fundamental human right and should be prioritized by governments and organizations worldwide. The summit will focus on:

  • Disability inclusion as a key driver of development and resilience.
  • The importance of investing in disability-inclusive policies and practices.
  • Showcasing best practices and successful initiatives from around the world.

The summit will also offer a platform for stakeholders to submit commitments that support disability-inclusive development. Pledges can be submitted starting in June 2024.

More details regarding content and structure of the side event organised by the Teacher Task Force Thematic Group on "Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices" will be shared in due course.

For more information regarding the Summit and to register, click here.

  • 26.11.2024

Global Disability Summit 2025: Teacher Task Force Side Event

The Teacher Task Force Thematic Group on "Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices" will organise a side event at the Global Disability Summit (GDS) 2025, taking place in Berlin, Germany, on April 2-3, 2025. 

The summit is co-hosted by the Governments of Germany and Jordan and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and will bring together over 3000 participants, including world leaders, organizations, and stakeholders from various sectors.

The GDS aims to increase global commitment to disability-inclusive development, emphasizing that disability inclusion is a fundamental human right and should be prioritized by governments and organizations worldwide. The summit will focus on:

  • Disability inclusion as a key driver of development and resilience.
  • The importance of investing in disability-inclusive policies and practices.
  • Showcasing best practices and successful initiatives from around the world.

The summit will also offer a platform for stakeholders to submit commitments that support disability-inclusive development. Pledges can be submitted starting in June 2024.

More details regarding content and structure of the side event organised by the Teacher Task Force Thematic Group on "Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices" will be shared in due course.

For more information regarding the Summit and to register, click here.

  • 13.11.2024

Inclusion and Equity Learning Event 3: CPD and Career Development Opportunities for Teachers with disabilities

In the build-up to the Global Disability Summit 2025 to be held on 2-3 April in Germany, the Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices Thematic Group are delighted to invite you to attend three knowledge exchange learning sessions on policies and practices on teachers with disabilities. 

This is the last of three learning sessions. The session will be interactive and participatory. Three members will make short presentations on the topic and participants will be invited to share their experience, evidence and learning in breakout rooms. The session will be facilitated in English; however, we will welcome if there any volunteers who would like to facilitate breakout sessions in different languages.  We will use Team's chat function which allows to translate the conversation in different languages.

 In this session, we are going to focus our discussion on policies and practices on continuing professional development opportunities and career paths for teachers with disabilities. 

  • What kinds of opportunities are provided for people with disabilities to participate in teacher training programmes? 
  • What are the key challenges and gaps in policy related to supporting teachers with disabilities and their professional growth? 
  • What recommendations can be made to better support teachers with disabilities and promote greater inclusion and accessibility in their teaching contexts?  
  • What roles Edtech can play in increasing access of teachers with disabilities to continuing professional development? 

As an output of this session, we will produce a knowledge brief.

Please register here.

  • 13.11.2024

Inclusion and Equity Learning Event 2: Recruitment and deployment of teachers with disabilities

In the build-up to Global Disability Summit 2025 to be held on 2-3 April in Germany, the Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices Thematic Group are delighted to invite you to attend three knowledge exchange learning sessions on policies and practices on teachers with disabilities. 

This is the second of three learning sessions. The session will be interactive and participatory. Three members will make short presentations on the topic and participants will be invited to share their experience, evidence and learning in breakout rooms. The session will be facilitated in English ; however, we will welcome if there any volunteers who would like to facilitate breakout sessions in different languages. We will use Team's chat function which allows to translate the conversation in different languages. 

 In the second session, we are going to focus our discussion on recruitment and deployment of teachers with disabilities.  

  • What recruitment policies and programmes/initiatives have been effective for increasing the number of teachers with disabilities? 
  • What considerations are made for teachers with disabilities when they are recruited and deployed? 

As an output of this session, we will produce a knowledge brief

 Please register here.