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  • 09.05.2023

Building transformative education systems through holistic teacher policy development: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa

This blog was written by Prof. Yusuf Sayed to mark the launch of the joint UNESCO/Teacher Task Force report, Supporting teachers through policy development: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa, at the African Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) 10th Teaching and Learning Conference and 12th Roundtable in Namibia, 9-12 May 2023.

The Transforming Education Summit (TES) underlined that to build more resilient and transformative education, countries must address a number of teacher issues, including shortages of qualified personnel, limited opportunities for education and training, low professional status, inadequate working conditions, and limitations to their empowerment and capacity to innovate. But even while these issues are front of mind for a lot of policy-makers, the teacher shortage keeps on growing. About 16.5 million teachers need to be recruited in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve universal primary and secondary enrolment. Moreover, a substantial minority of teachers have had limited access to training or opportunities to enhance their competencies, and just 69 per cent of primary teachers and 61 per cent of secondary teachers hold the minimum required qualifications in the region. Teachers’ working conditions, salaries and contractual positions are inadequate, and their involvement in policy formulation is limited. In 20 countries across sub-Saharan Africa, primary teachers earn, on average, less than PPP $7,500 per annum.

Teacher policy is key to achieving the SDGs

Target 4.c of the Sustainable Development Goals commits the world to: ‘By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States.’ This underscores the growing global understanding that quality teachers who can teach effectively are needed to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality lifelong learning for all. Multiple regional policies come to the same conclusion, including the African Union Continental Education Strategy for Africa (AU-CESA) 2016-2025, the Africa Agenda 2063 and the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Framework.

Developing holistic, comprehensive national teacher policies is essential to achieving these goals and supporting teachers to play their part in building a more sustainable world. To this end, the Teacher Task Force and UNESCO co-developed the Teacher Policy Development Guide to help national policy-makers and practitioners develop holistic, comprehensive and integrated teacher policies that address all dimensions of teachers’ work and practices. The Guide argues for a long-term systemic approach, together with ongoing review and reflection to continually improve and align teacher policy to the wider policy landscape, including education sector plans, cross-sectoral perspectives and national goals.

The Guide has already been used across sub-Saharan Africa to develop effective teacher policy. Supporting teachers through policy development: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa reviews this progress to highlight lessons, good practices and recommendations that other countries can apply. Participating countries included Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Togo and Uganda.

Developing structured and inclusive policy development processes

The process used to develop policy is critical to its eventual success. The review highlights the importance of using collaboration frameworks to develop policy, based on a wide range of perspectives and voices, including those of civil and teacher service commissions, teacher training institutions, regional education managers and inspectors. Reflecting teachers’ voices was found to be critical; frameworks that emphasized social dialogue and drew in teachers and their representatives helped ensure teachers’ buy-in.

Across countries, a two-tier committee structure was found to be effective for managing policy development processes. A steering committee of a core team of higher-level decision-makers provided strategic guidance and oversight, while a technical committee, reporting to the steering committee, was responsible for the day-to-day developmental work. This system helped to ensure that processes were seen to be inclusive and transparent, with meaningful stakeholder involvement throughout.

Using the Teacher Policy Development Guide to inform content

The Guide was used to inform the content of countries’ teacher policies, and was found to be easy to implement, practical and relevant. As the Guide recommends, countries linked teacher policy vision to overall education policies and plans and national social and macroeconomic development frameworks. All countries included in their policies the Guide’s nine key dimensions: teacher recruitment and retention; teacher education; deployment; career structures; teacher employment and working conditions; teacher reward and remuneration; teacher standards; teacher accountability; and school governance. Each country adapted the dimensions to their own contexts, arranging them differently around national thematic strategic axes determined through a reflective and collaborative process. Some countries found they had additional policy-making needs, which resulted in the development of new dimensions, such as social dialogue and teacher autonomy, as well as cross-cutting themes of inclusivity and gender.

Lessons for development partners

The review showed that development partners, including international organizations, bilateral aid agencies and civil society organizations, can play a vital role in supporting countries to develop their policies, by providing financial and technical support and assisting with coordination. International agencies can also help build international forums and online platforms for policy learning and sharing, allowing countries to learn from each other and adapt policy responses to their national contexts. Ongoing initiatives, such as capacity-building programmes for teachers, school leaders and other education staff, can also provide valuable lessons for policy-making.

Holistic teacher policy as a key lever to transform education

Teachers can change the world, but they need help to do it. Education policy reform must place teachers at its heart and as indicated in the final recommendations on teachers during the TES, holistic teacher policies must be created, with teachers playing a central role in policy development and educational decision-making through social dialogue. Such teacher policies can provide teachers with better working conditions and the support they need to deliver equitable learning experiences for all learners, including the marginalized and disadvantaged. Yet for this to happen, improvements in the financing of teachers through integrated national reform strategies and effective functional governance must also be addressed if education is to truly transform and the Sustainable Goals are to be realized.

Consult the UNESCO/Teacher Task Force report: Supporting teachers through policy development: Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa.

Photo credit: Kehinde Olufemi Akinbo

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  • 25.01.2023
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Teaching policy in Madagascar

Aware of teachers’ leading role in the quality of learning, the Malagasy Government formulated a teaching policy that is fully in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4. This policy’s aims...
  • 17.04.2018

Madagascar adopts national Teacher Policy

The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF), as stated in its mission and as one of the specific objectives of its 2018-2021 Strategic Plan, is called upon to support countries requesting technical assistance on teachers and teaching. It is in this context that the TTF supported Madagascar in developing its national teacher policy through the use of the Teacher Policy Development Guide. The policy was validated in March 2018.

Identifying the needs

Madagascar is facing significant challenges in its recruitment of a qualified teacher force. Indeed, according to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the pupil to qualified teacher ratio in primary education in the country was 40 to 7 in 2016. Furthermore, the proportion of teachers who have received at least the minimum organized teacher training was 14.87% in 2016. It is estimated that 22 000 new teachers will need to be recruited by 2022.

Development process

The country started the review of its national education sector plan in 2014 and aimed at including a teacher policy component. While developing its new education sector plan, the country created a thematic group dedicated to the conduct of a diagnostic study on the situation of teachers in the country, using the UNESCO Methodological Guide for the Analysis of Teacher Issues. This group, under the supervision of the ministries in charge of education, included various stakeholders: economists, demographists, ministries representatives, teacher unions’ representatives, education NGOs representatives, Ministry of Finance representatives, parents’ associations’ representatives, sociologists and representatives of from the Ministry of Public Service.

Through a large consultation process, the diagnostic study highlighted amongst other things, the increasing demands for teachers, the low performance of students, the increasing number of teachers recruited with no professional training, the incapacity of teacher training institutions to train and the need for better teacher recruitment planning. Based on the diagnostic study results, the dedicated thematic group, involving the country’s three ministries of education, provided training on needs analyses, data collection and teacher policy development.

Following guidelines from the Teacher Policy Development Guide, the national teacher policy was developed with means of action that articulate how the nine different dimensions established in the Guide should be implemented by each of the Ministries involved.

What’s next?

Following its adoption by the Government and National Assembly, Madagascar will begin implementing its policy, starting with mobilizing resources and doing advocacy work to raise awareness on the teacher policy within the national education community.