Knowledge Hub
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From barriers to boosters: initial teacher education for inclusive science education
The paper presents a literature review on current barriers and boosters in the context of initial science teacher education for inclusion. The authors argue that current science teacher education...
School, Interrupted: 4 options for distance education to continue teaching during COVID-19
The blog explores four distance learning options of radio, TV, mobile phones and online learning to highlight the potential and challenges of each. It draws from examples where these have been used...
Manual / Handbook / Guidelines
Basic PSS in education: A training manual for teachers and other stakeholders
Since the nation of Sierra Leone was faced with the Ebola outbreak and crisis, the psychosocial wellbeing of children and their families has been compromised in many and serious ways. For children...
Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods
This publication is a second edition of the 2011 guide by the same name. It discusses distance education modes, technology-based models, and the many methods used for distance-based teacher pre...