Centro de conocimientos
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10 evidences of the education transformation driven by ProFuturo
The ProFuturo programme aims to boost the development of digital skills for life and learning to allow teachers, students, leaders and school principals face the challenges of 21st century society. It...
Can financial incentives help disadvantaged schools to attract and retain high-performing teachers? Evidence from Chile
This research article analyzes the effectiveness of additional financial incentives given to teachers who are awarded the Chilean Pedagogical Excellence assignment if they work in disadvantaged...
Educación Digital en las Américas: Buenas Prácticas para inspirar
El informe, desarrollado en el marco de la alianza OEA (Organización de los Estados Americanos) – ProFuturo, busca visibilizar prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras que contribuyan a la mejora de la...
Documento de política pública
Política docente. Madagascar
Consciente del papel primordial que desempeñan los docentes en la calidad del aprendizaje, el gobierno malgache ha formulado una política docente que está plenamente en consonancia con el Objetivo de...
Protecting education personnel from targeted attack in conflict-affected countries
This briefing paper focuses specifically on targeted attacks on elementary and secondary education personnel and measures implemented to protect them. Education personnel include teachers, education...