Centro de conocimientos
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From barriers to boosters: initial teacher education for inclusive science education
The paper presents a literature review on current barriers and boosters in the context of initial science teacher education for inclusion. The authors argue that current science teacher education...
Solving the teacher shortage: How to attract and retain excellent educators
This paper reviews an extensive body of research on teacher recruitment and retention, and identifies five major factors that influence teachers’ decisions to enter, stay in, or leave the teaching...
Liderazgo docente en la elaboración de respuestas educativas en crisis en África y América Latina
En 2020, los países de todo el mundo se vieron forzados a cerrar temporalmente las instituciones educativas en un esfuerzo por detener la propagación del virus de la COVID-19. Este informe, encargado...
Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released on the 23rd March. For the first time the OECD’s Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher presented the report remotely...