Centro de conocimientos
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Teacher professional development in Africa. A critical synthesis of research evidence
This study is an original synthesis of African research evidence on teacher professional development (TPD) provision in the sub-Saharan region. It provides a critical appraisal of the evidence base...
Documento de política pública
Curriculum globALE: competency framework for adult educators
Curriculum globALE is a modular and competency-based framework curriculum for the training of adult educators worldwide. The learning outcomes described in the curriculum constitute a qualification...
Apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje a distancia en los países en desarrollo: del plano mundial al local
Esta publicación describe cómo los gobiernos de Asia Meridional, incluido Nepal, se sirvieron de diversas estrategias para facilitar aprendizaje continuado durante la pandemia de las maneras más...
Impacto y lecciones aprendidas del cierre de escuelas en las Américas
Lanzado en febrero de 2021, este informe resume una investigación realizada por La Fundación Varkey en colaboración con el British Council. Recopila las medidas adoptadas durante la pandemia por los...
Handling the COVID-19 crisis in education: What can TALIS 2018 tell us?
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 was released on the 23rd March. For the first time the OECD’s Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher presented the report remotely...
Climate change action: organising to win
As education trade unionists gather together for the 8th EI World Congress, it is clear that working people and students are on the front lines of climate change. Already 83 million climate-related...