Centro de conocimientos
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Altruism or money? Reducing teacher sorting using behavioral strategies in Peru
Inequality in access to high-quality teachers is an important driver of student socioeconomic achievement gaps. This article experimentally evaluates a novel nation-wide low-cost government program...
Liderazgo docente en la elaboración de respuestas educativas en crisis en África y América Latina
En 2020, los países de todo el mundo se vieron forzados a cerrar temporalmente las instituciones educativas en un esfuerzo por detener la propagación del virus de la COVID-19. Este informe, encargado...
School, Interrupted: 4 options for distance education to continue teaching during COVID-19
The blog explores four distance learning options of radio, TV, mobile phones and online learning to highlight the potential and challenges of each. It draws from examples where these have been used...
Nota sobre políticas
Key messages and actions for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control in schools
A practical guide which provides key messages for school leaders, teachers students and communities to keep schools safe, and provides practical checklists to help develop and implement action plans.
Key messages and actions for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control in schools
The document aims to provide clear and actionable guidance for safe operations through prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19. The document focuses on how schools and educational...
Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods
This publication is a second edition of the 2011 guide by the same name. It discusses distance education modes, technology-based models, and the many methods used for distance-based teacher pre...