Centro de conocimientos
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Documento de política pública
ILO Policy Guidelines on the promotion of decent work for early childhood education personnel
These guidelines set out principles for the promotion of decent work for Early Childhood Education (ECE) personnel as a means of ensuring universal access to high-quality ECE services. They are meant...
1966 Recommendation on the Status of Teachers and 1997 Recommendation on the Higher Education Teaching Personnel
Background presentation by UNESCO and ILO at the TTF Consultation on the revision of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers and the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning...
Documento de política pública
Recommendations of the United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was established by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres following the Transforming Education Summit held in 2022. It was tasked with...
Nota sobre políticas
Cumbre sobre la Transformación de la Educación. Vía de acción temática 3: Docentes, enseñanza y profesión docente. Documento de debate (versión final)
Como parte de la preparación global para la Cumbre sobre la Transformación de la Educación de 2022, la tercera línea de acción temática se centrará en el tema “Docentes, enseñanza y profesión docente”...
Déclaration et appel à l’action de Casablanca sur la qualité de l’éducation de la petite enfance et la professionnalisation des enseignants et des éducateurs
La déclaration a été adoptée lors du Colloque africain sur la qualité de l’education de la petite enfance et la professionnalisation des éducatrices et des éducateurs, qui a eu lieu du 4 au 5 décembre...
Manual / Directrices
Directrices de política de la OIT sobre la promoción del trabajo decente para el personal del sector de la educación de la primera infancia
Estas directrices establecen principios para la promoción del trabajo decente para el personal del sector de la educación de la primera infancia como medio para garantizar el acceso universal a...
Digitalization in teaching and education in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania
This report summarizes the findings of two sets of studies on digitalization in teaching and education in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania. The first set of studies...
Documento de reunión
Guidance note on developing a crisis-sensitive teacher policy
Norwegian Teacher Initiative: Strengthening Multi-Partner Cooperation to Support Teacher Policy and Improve Learning One of the aims of the Norwegian Teacher Initiative is to support education...
Manual / Directrices
Apoyo a los docentes en los esfuerzos para facilitar la vuelta a la escuela - Caja de herramientas para dirigentes escolares - Segunda edición con nuevos consejos y prácticas recientes
Esta caja de herramientas se ha preparado para que los dirigentes escolares puedan apoyar y proteger a los docentes y al personal de apoyo a la educación en el regreso a las aulas tras los cierres...
Nota sobre políticas
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
In January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. WHO stated that there is a...
Nota sobre políticas
Key messages and actions for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control in schools
A practical guide which provides key messages for school leaders, teachers students and communities to keep schools safe, and provides practical checklists to help develop and implement action plans.
Key messages and actions for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control in schools
The document aims to provide clear and actionable guidance for safe operations through prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19. The document focuses on how schools and educational...