Centro de conocimientos
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Visión de futuro para el desarrollo de la educación en Egipto
Este documento analiza la visión de futuro para el desarrollo de la educación en Egipto, a través de una variedad de perspectivas, incluido el logro de apoyo financiero y enfoques originales en la...
International barometer on education personnel’s health and well-being
This is the first edition of the International Barometer of the health and well-being of education personnel in France, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Morocco, Gambia, Quebec and Mexico. The study...
External Evaluation of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 for its 2018 2021 Strategic Plan - Final report
In March 2021, Technopolis Group was commissioned to conduct the External Evaluation of the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030. The aim of this...
Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific
The primary objective of this report is to construct an initial model of ‘union renewal’ or ‘union transformation’ to be considered for further development by selected Education International...