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Visión de futuro para el desarrollo de la educación en Egipto
Este documento analiza la visión de futuro para el desarrollo de la educación en Egipto, a través de una variedad de perspectivas, incluido el logro de apoyo financiero y enfoques originales en la...
Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe - 2020/2021
Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession and it becomes increasingly important as education authorities in many European countries need to address teacher...
Formación inicial docente para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura inicial en el programa de profesorado especializado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Los programas efectivos en la enseñanza de la lectoescritura tienen, como denominador común, a docentes con una formación especializada. El estudio que se resume en este artículo sugiere que un grupo...
Southeast Asian guidelines for early childhood teacher development and management
These guidelines for early childhood teacher development and management focus largely on the years of education immediately prior to formal primary schooling, which are more and more commonly...
ERI-Net Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Series Preparing and Supporting Teachers in the Asia-Pacific to Meet the Challenges of Twenty-first Century Learning Regional Synthesis Report 2015 ERI-Net Regional Study on Transversal Competencies in Education Policy
With ongoing reshaping of socio-economic development by globalization and regional integration, and as new demands are placed on the labour market, many countries have responded by reforming education...
Transforming Teaching and Learning in Asia and the Pacific : Case studies from seven countries
The question of what and how students should learn has been occupying a central place in debates on education in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region (UNESCO, 2014). In response to these debates...
Teachers in Asia Pacific: status and rights
In 2006, a regional seminar was held in Bangkok that focused on examining the status of teachers in the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, in 2014, UNESCO Bangkok proposed a study to review the...