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FCA & TWB Distance Education & Digital Pedagogy Manual

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  • Finn Church Aid
    Teachers without Borders
  • Support material
  • 2024

This teacher training manual on Distance Education & Digital Pedagogy supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in pedagogically high-quality distance education and remote learning especially in diverse, low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.

The manual has been developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Finland. The development of the training materials began already in 2020 as a response to the school lock-down situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, when teachers and learners quickly had to adapt to remote education modalities. Even though the pandemic has subsided, the need for quality distance education prevails. Ensuring the continuity of learning for all learners is critical in all contexts, even and especially during crisis situations.

The training manual consists of eight (8) training modules that can be used flexibly:

  1. Distance Education,
  2. Distance Education Modalities,
  3. Pedagogy of Digital and Distance Education,
  4. Psychosocial and Emotional Wellbeing,
  5. Learner-Centred Methods in Distance Education,
  6. Home Support – Parents and Caregivers’ Role and Collaboration,
  7. Inclusive Education, and
  8. Assessment and Evaluation.

The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.

We hope you find it useful!
