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Policy document
  • pdf
  • 15.02.2023

Bhutan ICT competency standards for teachers

The document presents Bhutan's information and communication technologies (ICT) competency standards for teachers, including standards for content knowledge and pedagogy, and for planning and teaching...
Policy document
  • pdf
  • 10.02.2023

National teachers' standards for Ghana. Guidelines

The National Teachers’ Standards represent the first ever collectively agreed standards to guide teacher preparation and practice in the country. The Standards have been developed as a professional...
  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 30.05.2022

National and regional policy learning: Latin America and the Caribbean: Teacher professional development and standards

As part of its new main line of action on national and regional policy learning, The Teacher Task Force is co-organising a series of workshops for the Latin America and the Caribbean region with CARICOM in cooperation with St Kits and Nevis and Brazil. The first workshop will be held on 13 July, followed by a second workshop in October/November. Between the two workshops, additional reflection by the TTF Secretariat and the regional Steering Committee members will take place to verify assumptions and refine regional policy learning needs for the second workshop.

In particular, the workshops aim to foster exchange and discussion in support of holistic and comprehensive teacher policy development as illustrated in the Teacher Policy Development Guide (TPDG) and its nine interconnected dimensions as a framework. This workshop will focus on common policy learning need related to teacher professional development and standards. Regional standard frameworks and how these can be translated into countries are critical to establish teacher education, teacher qualification, licensing of teachers, career structure and teacher motivation. In addition to this, countries demonstrated an interest in the pedagogical skills in hybrid and remote education of teacher education including innovative practices to share across countries. They also demonstrated learning needs related to social dialogue and school leadership.

Country focal points and deputies, including both country and organisational members, will be invited to the Latin America and the Caribbean regional workshop. Other key partners with regional remits will be consulted and invited to actively participate as they are familiar with regional policy learning needs.

For more information contact Thomas, Yael ( or Soto Echeverri, Emilia (