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  • 08.07.2010

2nd International Policy Dialogue Forum

"Providing teachers for EFA: quality matters"

The forum focused on sharing country experiences and practices on the provision of teachers for EFA regarding quality issues, in particularly in relation to:

  1. Learning outcomes;
  2. Relevance of teaching to the socio-economic context; and
  3. Efficient planning and resource allocation in teacher policy.

The ultimate goal was to contribute to a heightened awareness among participants of quality issues in national teacher policies and practices as well as to a better understanding of the role of teachers in promoting quality.

  • 24.02.2010

1st International Policy Dialogue Forum

"Teachers, the financial crisis, and the EFA challenge of reaching the marginalized"

The forum was organized as a side event at the EFA High Level group Meeting in Addis Abeba. The objectives were to present the results of an analysis of the 2010 EFA Global Monitoring Report seen through a ‘teacher lens’, and to share country experiences and practices in relation to:

  1. Financing and teachers;
  2. Marginalization and Teachers for EFA.

The forum also aimed to keep teachers high on the political agenda in Task Force member countries.