To guide its work during 2019, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 has adopted a comprehensive work plan.
Based on the Strategic Plan 2018-2021, the 2019 work plan establishes specific activities to be undertaken by the Teacher Task Force in order to achieve its goals: improving teacher quantity and quality.
2019 is the second year of the Strategic Plan. The main objective will be to continue strengthening the Teacher Task Force as a platform for exchange of knowledge and best practices, and as a dynamic network where members and partners are mobilized for dialogue and advocacy for teacher issues, in national, regional and global settings.
The Teacher Task Force will pay a balanced attention to the three main lines of actions laid out in the Strategic Plan, while focusing on priority activities likely to sustain evidence-based teacher policies and strategies.
MLA 1 – Advocacy
The Teacher Task Force will continue raising awareness on teacher issues by contributing to global and regional events. The aim is to ensure that discussion around the critical role of teachers remains high on the education agenda, and to advocate for adequate policies and increased financing of teaching.
This work will take various forms such as technical input to global fora of discussions, dissemination of material highlighting the importance of teachers for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education or organisation side events and debates during larger education focused conference or events.
MLA 2 – Knowledge creation and sharing
The Teacher Task Force will pursue its goal of bridging the knowledge gaps when it comes to teacher and teaching issues. This will include the undertaking of a mapping of the knowledge gaps on different dimensions of Teacher policy and practice, as well as research work on the state of teacher motivation, one the component of the teacher target in SDG4.
To facilitate the implementation and monitoring of SDG4, the Teacher Task Force will be involved in the development of a taxonomy of teacher training, along with UNESCO, UIS and GPE. This project will focus on documenting the nature of the training and the qualifications requirements countries apply in their national systems in order to improve the global comparability of data.
As it does every year, the Teacher Task Force will offer the platform of its Policy Dialogue Forum to policy-makers, researchers, academics to come share their best practices and learn from each other’s research and experiences.
MLA 3 – Country support
The Teacher Task Force will continue providing support for the start and continuing development of national teacher policies to its member states, but will focus on a limited number of interventions. Priority will be given to countries with which the Teacher Task Force has already been collaborating, using the full competency of the membership.
The 2019 activities will support the operationalisation of the regional and thematic groups established by the Strategic Plan 2018-2021. The aim will be to reinforce communication among the focal points, and to raise their awareness regarding regional SDG4 and education structures they should engage with, with institutionalised reporting and follow-up mechanisms
The foreseen activities will also serve to establish the thematic groups as technical expert groups in their domain by having them contribute technical inputs to wider events and/or undertake research projects.
You can download the 2019 work plan of the Teacher Force in English or French here for more information.