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  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
  • 2021
  • 3
  • 186 KB
  • pdf
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Call for Greater Investment in Teachers and Teaching

As the Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the enormous variations in how countries are able to respond to challenges to their education systems, this Call for Greater Investment in Teachers and Teaching turns the spotlight on the critical role teachers play in meeting students’ emerging and evolving needs. In these shifting conditions, teachers are central to ensuring learners have safe environments, remedial education, and differentiated teaching and learning models. The post-pandemic period presents a unique opportunity not only to address pressing needs such as long-existing teacher shortages, but also to transform education systems into ones that prioritize strengthening the teaching profession.

In light of this, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 urgently calls on national governments, the international community and education funders – both public and private – to invest in a human-centred approach to recovery by building resilient, teacher supportive education systems focused on reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Building on its Call for Action on Teachers, launched in March 2020, the Task Force calls for: increasing domestic and international funding; developing holistic teacher policies that are properly costed and effectively implemented; investing in teacher capacity and autonomy; and investing and effectively using data and information systems.

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