Fostering teacher-student relationship-building competence: a three-year learning trajectory for initial pre-primary and primary teacher education
This paper acknowledges the importance of high-quality teacher-student relationships for both student and teacher well-being and proposes a learning trajectory targeting teachers’ relationship...
Working and learning together. Rethinking human resource policies for schools
The staff working in schools are the most important resource for today’s education systems, both educationally and financially. This report aims to provide guidance for the design of human resource...
Working and learning together. Rethinking human resource policies for schools
The staff working in schools are the most important resource for today’s education systems, both educationally and financially. This report aims to provide guidance for the design of human resource...
Working and learning together. Rethinking human resource policies for schools
The staff working in schools are the most important resource for today’s education systems, both educationally and financially. This report aims to provide guidance for the design of human resource...
International barometer on education personnel’s health and well-being
This is the first edition of the International Barometer of the health and well-being of education personnel in France, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Morocco, Gambia, Quebec and Mexico. The study...
Study on Policy Measures to improve the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession in Europe, Volume 1
At a time when several countries are faced with shortages of qualified teachers, a new study undertaken on behalf of the European Commission looks at what Member States could do to attract the best...