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Accelerating Actions Towards SDG4: Stocktake of Transforming Education Summit

Cuándo: Lunes, Junio 17, 2024 - 23:59 - Lunes, Junio 17, 2024 - 23:59
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On 17 June, the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee will convene its Leaders’ meeting to conduct the first-ever Transforming Education Summit (TES) Stocktake exercise. This significant event will take place ahead of two global milestone events: the Summit of the Future on 22-23 September in New York and the Global Education Meeting in Fortaleza, Brazil, on 31 October - 1 November, following the G20 Education Ministers Meeting.

The 17 June meeting aims to take stock of country progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and showcase transformative actions undertaken by Member States. This gathering will reaffirm education’s position on the global political agenda and provide strategic direction for the upcoming Global Education Meeting, particularly focusing on innovative financing for education.

Participants will include SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee Leaders, invited Ministers of Education, International Cooperation, Finance, or other relevant ministries, permanent representatives to the UN, and representatives from UN agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, the teaching profession, youth and student groups, the private sector, and foundations. Together, they will review the state of SDG 4 and renew their collective commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

A key highlight of the event will be the launch of the Dashboard of Country Commitments Survey results. Developed by the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee, this tool monitors countries’ actions against their TES national commitments, providing a powerful mechanism for accountability and supporting the TES follow-up process. The Dashboard will inform discussions at the Global Education Meeting, serving as a platform for cross-country learning and exchange.

The Teacher Task Force (TTF) will be actively involved in a teacher-focused session, more details of which will be posted here soon.

Key dates:

  • 17 June: HLSC Leaders Meeting & TES Stocktake
  • 22-23 September: Summit of the Future
  • 31 October – 1 November: Global Education Meeting

This June event will set the stage for accelerated actions towards SDG 4, highlighting the importance and urgency of transforming education as we approach the 2030 deadline.

More updates on the event will be posted here as they become available.