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Teacher Resource Centre

Welcome to the Teacher Resource Centre, the Teacher Task Force knowledge hub for teachers. The Teacher Resource Centre provides a single access point to resources directly related to teaching practices such as lesson plans, curriculum development guides, teacher training opportunities and the latest research on pedagogies.

It aims to support teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers and practitioners in general, by giving them access to a curated repository of materials that will inspire and support them in their practice.

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Teaching resources

Access materials to support your teaching, to be used in the classroom or to prepare your lessons.

Differentiated Instruction in Displacement Contexts. Workshops Facilitation Guide

In this guide, there are prompts to support exploration of the content and application to the local context. There are also tips to support educators as they make space and time for professional learning within their busy and, often, stressful lives. Finally, this guide offers some advice regarding online, and/or other technological aspects, of this training.

The Quality Holistic Learning Project (QHL), of which this face-to-face workshop is one element, aims to prepare educators to deliver high-quality lessons which support holistic learning for children and youths of diverse backgrounds (refugee, migrant, and/or citizen) within host country, displacement, and crisis contexts. They define quality holistic learning as that which attends to:

  • academic, cognitive, and identity development,
  • social and emotional learning, and
  • mental/psychosocial and physical well-being and which delivers: positive schooling experiences, ● feelings of belonging and safety, growth and development, and equitable outcomes for all learners.



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مقدمة في التربية القائمة على تعزيز نقاط القوة في سياقات النزوح دليل تيسير ورش العمل

يهدف هذا الدليل إلى دعم تقديم مجموعة من أربع ورش عمل تمهيدية حول موضوع دعم التربية القائمة على تعزيز نقاط القوة في سياقات الأزمات من خلال تنفيذ أدوات وأنشطة التدريس القائم على تعزيز نقاط القوة ومن خلال الحفاظ على مساحات تعليمية آمنة ومأمونة.

ورش العمل هي نتيجة المساهمات الثاقبة لفريق ملتزم من المعلمين والمعلمين من كينيا ولبنان والنيجر.


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Aprender haciendo con experiencias etnoeducativas

Esta guía a destinación de los docentes busca implementar la educación intercultural bilingüe, enfocándose en la etnoeducación afroecuatoriana. Ofrece ejemplos prácticos, orientaciones metodológicas y estrategias para ajustar los contenidos curriculares. Además, promueve la formación continua de docentes y la participación comunitaria, fortaleciendo la identidad cultural y la memoria colectiva. También sugiere el uso de herramientas tecnológicas y materiales didácticos para enriquecer el aprendizaje.

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Ficha para equipos pedagógicos - Acompañar a niñas y niños en situación de emergencia

Este recurso para docentes ofrece ejemplos y materiales adicionales para apoyar a los educadores que trabajan con niños de parvulario en situaciones de emergencia. Las comunidades pueden enfrentar momentos de crisis los cuales afectan a los niños en sus contextos familiares, educativos y comunitarios. La guía ayuda a identificar estos efectos adversos y proporciona apoyo oportuno para mitigar el impacto en los niños, uno de los grupos más vulnerables en estas situaciones. 

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Research materials

Learn about the latest research on teaching practices and pedagogies.

Édubref n°18 - Des outils didactiques pour enseigner et apprendre

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Depuis le contexte français, ce numéro propose de revenir sur la notion d’outils didactiques, de la façon dont l’objet est traité dans la recherche académique à son apparition dans les programmes scolaires. Il propose également une réflexion sur les possibles collaborations entre les concepteurs d’outils didactiques et leurs usagers en plus de présenter des méthodologies d’appropriation par les enseignants. 

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Édubref n°19 - La direction d'école : quels héritages ?

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Ce numéro est dédié à la direction scolaire dans le primaire en France. On y retrouve une histoire de la fonction de directeur.rice du XIXème siècle à nos jours, l’évolution des lois et décrets encadrant la profession. L’autrice y présente également certains défis et enjeux actuels.

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Édubref n°22 - Enseigner, oui mais à deux ?

ÉduBref propose dans un format court et abordable de revenir sur des travaux et études universitaires sur les pratiques éducatives. Ici, l'autrice présente les récentes recherches sur l'enseignement à plusieurs afin de bousculer la vision persistante de l’enseignant seul face à la classe et de montrer les avantages que peut avoir l’enseignement partagé. Ces pratiques sont notamment abordées dans le cadre d’une éducation inclusive dans le contexte français.

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Pedagogical Documentation Revisited

This monograph explores how pedagogical documentation can contribute to realizing Ontario’s renewed vision for education by bringing assessment for and as learning to life. Because pedagogical documentation is intended to uncover the student’s thinking and learning processes, it has the potential to help us look at learning in new ways, to assess flexibly with particular needs in mind and to individualize and differentiate our response. 

Pedagogical documentation allows educators to see how thinking, learning, curriculum and assessment are intertwined. It offers them the opportunity to contribute to a fuller understanding of learning and to advance the research on effective practice, both locally and internationally.

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Professional development

Access resources and training opportunities to further develop your pedagogical knowledge and practice.

FCA & TWB Inclusive Education Manual

This Teacher Training Manual on Inclusive Education supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in inclusive, quality education especially in diverse low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world. The Inclusive Education Manual directly contributes to realization of several targets of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”.

The manual was developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Network Finland. The content has been collected and built on the numerous good materials and practices used and co-developed by FCA staff and TWB education experts in different countries and contexts.

The training manual consists of three (3) training modules that can be used flexibly:

  1. Education, Teacher and School Community,
  2. Inclusive Education, and
  3. Positive Classroom and Learning Environment for All Learners.

The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.

We hope you find it useful!

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FCA & TWB Distance Education & Digital Pedagogy Manual

This teacher training manual on Distance Education & Digital Pedagogy supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in pedagogically high-quality distance education and remote learning especially in diverse, low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.

The manual has been developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Finland. The development of the training materials began already in 2020 as a response to the school lock-down situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, when teachers and learners quickly had to adapt to remote education modalities. Even though the pandemic has subsided, the need for quality distance education prevails. Ensuring the continuity of learning for all learners is critical in all contexts, even and especially during crisis situations.

The training manual consists of eight (8) training modules that can be used flexibly:

  1. Distance Education,
  2. Distance Education Modalities,
  3. Pedagogy of Digital and Distance Education,
  4. Psychosocial and Emotional Wellbeing,
  5. Learner-Centred Methods in Distance Education,
  6. Home Support – Parents and Caregivers’ Role and Collaboration,
  7. Inclusive Education, and
  8. Assessment and Evaluation.

The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.

We hope you find it useful!

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Asset (Strength) Based Pedagogies for Quality Holistic Learning

This open, self-paced course, Asset (Strength) Based Pedagogies for Quality Holistic Learning, was designed by teachers for teachers, especially those working with refugee and vulnerable learners around the world. It is intended to provide an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to asset (or strength) based pedagogies.

Educators who complete this short online course will:

  • gain a working understanding of what asset-based pedagogies are and why they are important
  • be able to identify ways in which asset-based pedagogies can be applied in the classroom
  • examine how to apply asset-based pedagogies in the context of their own work

It will take 3-4 hours, on average, to complete this course. A certificate of participation will be issued upon successful completion. Thank you for your interest and for your commitment to your professional learning and to teaching!

A handbook for use offline is currently being developed, as a parallel tool for learning about asset-based pedagogies. Please contact to discuss piloting of this additional material.

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Introduction to SEL & PSS for Quality Holistic Learning

This open, self-paced course, Introduction to Social-Emotional Learning & Psychosocial Support for Quality Holistic Learning, was designed with a team of teachers working with refugee and vulnerable learners in Niger. It is intended to provide an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to social-emotional learning and psychosocial support.

Educators who complete this online course will:

  • understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment for children's well-being and learning in emergency situations
  • understand the basic principles of Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and their role in supporting students in displaced contexts, especially considering the educator's unique students and learning context
  • integrate simple and applicable PSS interventions and SEL activities into their lesson plans to ensure Quality Holistic Learning

It will take 4-5 hours, on average, to complete this course. A certificate of participation will be issued upon successful completion. Thank you for your interest and for your commitment to your professional learning and to teaching!

An offline, PowerPoint guided workshop series, upon which this course is based, is available for training purposes as well. Please contact to discuss piloting of that workshop material.

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Upcoming training opportunities

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How to design an electronic lesson in 24 hours

Learning design for smart learning.
Defines the general landscape of instructional design in smart education.
Understand the five steps of lesson planning in Smart Learning.
Explains the requirements for designing a session in smart learning.
Design a smart learning session using Google Classroom.

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Social and emotional learning for schools

This is a dual certifying course that combines social and emotional learning (SEL) for classrooms and SEL for teachers. The objective of the certification is to enhance personal well-being and build the professional capacity of teachers for SEL.

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How to become a remote teacher in 24 hours

Recognize e-learning technology.
Identify the main components of e-learning.
Identify tools for managing the educational process in e-learning.
Uses the tools of the educational process: Moodle Cloud.

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Thu, 01/12/2023 00:23

Online Learning Design for Educators Specialization

Specialization offering three courses for educators seeking to improve and expand their repertoire of online teaching skills related to the design, development and delivery of effective and engaging online courses and lessons for school age and adult learners. It includes three courses: "Online education: The foundations of online teaching", "Create video, audio and infographics for online learning", "Online teaching: Using Zoom to connect with learners". It is possible to audit the courses for free.

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Fri, 10/18/2024 12:00

Free webinar: International Trends in Open and Distance Education

Massey University and Open Polytechnic present a free webinar with ICDE Secretary General, Torunn Gjelsvik. The Secretary General will discuss international trends in distance and open education related to access, equity and scalability. Dr Mark Nichols from Open Polytechnic, the President of ICDE, will also join the conversation, together with Professor Giselle Byrnes, Provost of Massey University. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session 

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Wed, 10/23/2024 08:00

Sciences participatives : tous naturalistes en herbe

Ce webinaire de 60 minutes, destiné au contexte éducatif français, explore les sciences participatives, comme l'observation de la biodiversité ou l'identification des insectes et vers de terre. Il présente l'intérêt pédagogique de ces programmes en permettant aux élèves de participer à la recherche scientifique. Les enseignants découvriront comment intégrer ces dispositifs en classe, ainsi que les ressources et outils (programmes, applications) disponibles. Le webinaire aborde aussi les pièges à éviter dans l'utilisation des sciences participatives à l'école. Deux dates sont proposées en 2024 : le 23 octobre et le 2 décembre. L'inscription est gratuite et ouverte à tous et à toutes. 

Other Resource Centres

The number of partners offering resources for teachers across the world is increasing and it is not always easy to find your way around existing platforms. Access here a list of platforms curated by the TTF team, with a description of the types of contents and languages available. The list includes platforms from TTF members and beyond.

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