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8th International Policy Dialogue Forum

Cuándo: Martes, Marzo 15, 2016 - 00:00 - Jueves, Marzo 17, 2016 - 23:00
Mexico City, Mexico

Implementing the Teacher Target in the Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030

The 8th Policy Dialogue Forum of the TTF will take place in Mexico City from 15 to 17 March 2016. The Forum will be preceded on 14 March by the annual meeting of the TTF and a regular session of its Steering Committee who will take important decisions regarding the reorientation of the partnership to respond to the SDGsand Education 2030.

The main focus will be on sharing relevant policies, practices and tools among international key stakeholders with a view to facilitating the understanding, implementation and monitoring of the teacher-related target in the SDGs and new the education agenda.

The TTF has chosen to concentrate on the theme: Implementing the Teacher Target in the Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030.

At the Forum, discussions will be organized around the following four sub-themes:

  1. Teacher Education (pre-service, in-service and professional development; innovation and pedagogy);
  2. Teaching and Learning;
  3. Financing teaching and teacher development; and
  4. Monitoring and evaluation in teacher development;

Altogether, with around 100 national participants from Mexico, nearly 300 participants are expected to attend the Forum and other related events taking place in Mexico. This includes a diverse representation of national governments, global and regional intergovernmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations, teacher organizations and associations, development agencies, private companies and foundations. International experts will also participate.

The concept note, the agenda, the registration form and other relevant materials are available on the TTF Website.