Knowledge Hub
Displaying 13 - 24 of 678
Policy brief
Supporting teachers to improve teaching and learning: GPE KIX scoping study working paper
This paper, commissioned by Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavor with Canada’s International Development Research Centre, highlights key...
Policy document
Plan décennal d’éducation et de formation (PDEF), Haïti
Le Plan Décennal d’Éducation et de Formation 2020-2030 (PDEF) est un document stratégique élaboré par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle en Haïti en collaboration...
Caracterización de los docentes latinoamericanos - Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (ERCE 2019)
Este informe regional, basado en el estudio ERCE 2019, integra y sistematiza información sobre los docentes. Ofrece un panorama descriptivo y comparativo de diversas facetas de la profesión en 16...
Teacher Professional Development in Emergency Contexts: A small sample exploratory analysis for five East African Countries
This paper examines Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in conflict zones and refugee settlements in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, and Uganda through qualitative and quantitative methods...
Brochure / Flyer
Teacher Task Force in a nutshell: onboarding document for new members and focal points
This is a document elaborated by the Secretariat to welcome new members and new focal points into the Teacher Task Force. It aims to help them understand the network’s work and their potential roles...
School leadership for equitable quality education
This technical brief gives a background on the evidence-based foundations of VVOB’s approach to promoting effective school leadership and exemplifies this in their work in Ecuador, Ghana, Kenya...
Declaration / Statement
10th Education International World Congress resolution: Technology, artificial intelligence and the future of the teaching profession
The resolution on technology and AI from the 10th Education International World Congress emphasizes the need for ethical guidelines and professional development to help educators integrate AI into...
Improving Well-being through Education Integrating Community Based Psychosocial Support into Education in Emergencies
This document develops the use of the Community Based approach to Psychosocial Support (CBPS) in educational settings and presents Finn Church Aid’s experiences in improving well-being through...
Policy brief
Policy Insights - Refugee Teachers : the Heart of the Global Refugee Response
Refugee teachers and teachers of refugees play a vital role in providing education to refugee children and youth and by contributing in myriad ways to refugee communities. In many contexts, refugee...
Teachers as agents of and for change
This article reports on a systematic review exploring the role of teachers as change agents in education. The review aimed to synthesize current knowledge on five key aspects: 1. How teacher change...
Policy document
AI Competency Framework for Teachers
The AI competency framework for teachers addresses defines the knowledge, skills, and values teachers must master in the age of AI. Developed with principles of protecting teachers’ rights, enhancing...
3rd Global Report on Adult Learning and Education
This report plays a key role in meeting UNESCO’s commitment to monitor and report on countries’ implementation of the Belém Framework for Action, adopted by 144 UNESCO Member States in 2009 at the...