Knowledge Hub
Displaying 13 - 24 of 590
Time to Teach – Gabon
Teacher absenteeism is one of the biggest obstacles to educational progress and children's learning and poses a particularly serious problem in developing countries. In addition, the negative impact...
Time to Teach – Togo
Although national politicians have recognized that absenteeism is a problem, there have been few studies on the factors, policies and practices that influence teacher attendance in Togo. The Time to...
Time to Teach – Niger
Teacher absenteeism is one of the major challenges to achieving universal education in many developing countries. Previous studies have identified teacher absenteeism as a particular challenge in...
Time to Teach – Mauritania
Teacher absenteeism is a persistent barrier to achieving universal education in many developing countries, where teacher absence rates can reach alarming levels. Previous studies have identified...
Time to Teach – Morocco
Teacher absenteeism is one of the biggest obstacles to educational progress and children's learning and poses a particularly serious problem in developing countries. Although there is a lack of...
Brochure / Flyer
Effective teacher policies. Insights from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) – France
This document summarizes data relating to France presented in the "Effective teacher policies. Insights from PISA" report.
Declaration / Statement
Regional agenda: policies for excellence in teaching
This document was written based on the discussions that took place at the first meeting of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence in Buenos Aires on 7 and 8 February 2019, organized by...
Declaration / Statement
Declaration on teachers' working conditions
The members of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence share this declaration in the hope of promoting a regional dialogue on the key factors for ensuring the necessary working conditions...
Declaration / Statement
Declaration on initial teacher training
The members of the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence make this declaration, which presents what they consider to be the components of quality initial teacher training. The declaration...
Initial teacher training in initial literacy under the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala’s specialized teacher training programme in primary education
Effective literacy teaching programmes have, as a common denominator, teachers with specialized training. The study summarized in this article suggests that a significant number of teachers in the...
Strengths and areas for improvement in initial teacher training in literacy in the Dominican Republic
This article focuses on the initial literacy training provided to students in the first stage of their undergraduate degree in primary education at higher education institutions in the Dominican...
Initial teacher training in initial literacy. Dominican Republic
The regional research of the Red para la Lectoescritura Inicial de Centroamérica y el Caribe [Network for Initial Literacy in Central America and the Caribbean – RedLEI] set out to investigate the...